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EPOS specialises in providing revolutionary sound quality for all its audio devices. Demanding the best quality for its range of headphones and headsets. Crafted from high-quality materials, EPOS products are designed to have the perfect balance between excellent audio and fantastic comfort.

EPOS prides itself on its passionate design quality, providing a robust feel to all its products. With innovative software and artificial intelligence, EPOS products are always at the forefront of what is technologically possible.

EPOS Featured Products

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22 Items

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  1. EPOS GSA 601C Cooling Ear Pads

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    Special Price $9.00 Regular Price $29.00
  2. Sennheiser EPOS GSP 601 Closed Back Gaming Headset

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    Special Price $89.00 Regular Price $319.00
  3. EPOS GSA 50 Headset Hanger

    In Stock
    Special Price $19.00 Regular Price $49.00
  4. EPOS Gaming GSX 300 USB AMP Sound Card

    In Stock
    Special Price $59.00 Regular Price $129.90
  5. EPOS Sennheiser PC 3.2 Chat - 2 x 3.5 mm Stereo Headset with Microphone

    In Stock
    Special Price $5.00 Regular Price $59.00
  6. EPOS H6 PRO Audio Bundle Open Gaming Headset with External Sound Card - Black

    In Stock
    Special Price $169.00 Regular Price $319.00
  7. EPOS H6 PRO Open Earpads - Black

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    Special Price $19.00 Regular Price $49.00
  8. EPOS Sennheiser C50 Wireless Communication Headset with ANC

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    Special Price $233.00 Regular Price $449.00
  9. Sennheiser EPOS GSP 602 Closed Back Gaming Headset

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    Special Price $89.00 Regular Price $319.00
  10. EPOS B20 USB Streaming Microphone

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    Special Price $119.00 Regular Price $229.00
  11. EPOS S6 4K USB Webcam

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    Special Price $159.00 Regular Price $349.00
  12. Sennheiser Adapt 563 On-Ear Bluetooth Headset

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    Special Price $259.00 Regular Price $399.00
  13. EPOS GSA15 Gaming Mouse Pad

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  14. EPOS H6 PRO Closed Earpads - White

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    Special Price $19.00 Regular Price $49.00
  15. EPOS H6 PRO Closed Earpads - Black

    In Stock
    Special Price $29.00 Regular Price $49.00
  16. EPOS H6 PRO Open Earpads - White

    In Stock
    Special Price $29.00 Regular Price $49.00
  17. EPOS GSA 3 Ear Pads - Black Ear Pads

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    Special Price $19.00 Regular Price $49.00
  18. Sennheiser GSA 301 Ear pads

    In Stock
    Special Price $19.00 Regular Price $29.90
  19. EPOS GSA 13 Mouse Pad Size S

    In Stock
    Special Price $39.00 Regular Price $59.00
  20. EPOS GSA 601 Cooling Ear Pads

    Hurry! Less than 5 in stock!
    Special Price $19.00 Regular Price $33.00
  21. Sennheiser HD 4.30 Headphones for GALAXY - Black

    Hurry! Less than 5 in stock!
    Special Price $139.00 Regular Price $169.00
  22. EPOS Sennheiser Impact SDW 5034 DECT Wireless Office Monoaural Headset Included BTD 800 Dongle

    Backorder Available
    Special Price $499.00 Regular Price $743.94
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EPOS provides innovative voice enhancement technologies for intense gaming with their EPOS gaming headsets as well as business-related activities with other EPOS products where voice functionality is required.

EPOS Gaming Headsets

EPOS believes audio holds the power to take gaming to a whole other level. EPOS was created to provide that ultimate gaming experience we all search for. A clear Immersive sound that blocks out the rest of the world and teleports you to a different reality.

EPOS Gaming Headsets are engineered so that every sound cue is brought forward to help you improve your gaming experience, giving you the feeling of being right there in the game.

Shop EPOS Products

EPOS products focus on comfort with materials that create a pleasant environment for gamers and business professionals while providing excellent audio capabilities, allowing the user to focus without interruption, fully immersing themselves for a better virtual experience.

EPOS products are engineered for the ultimate experience and made for the audiophile that demands excellence, delivering high-end audio solutions with the highest wearing comfort. Whether it is an EPOS headphone or EPOS headset the aim is to deliver near perfect audio experiences, allowing the user to experience purity of sound and clarity of speech.

The EPOS design ethos is made up of exciting shapes and soothing metals in a nod to its Nordic heritage. Crafted with passion and audio engineering that is continually evolving from hardware components to software and artificial intelligence, EPOS products provide something truly valuable.

available in Bankstown, Bondi Beach, Central business district, Chatswood, Cronulla, Liverpool, Manly, Milsons Point, Mosman, Newtown, Parramatta and more...

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