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A Buyer's Guide: Factors to Consider When Purchasing a Robot Vacuum

A Buyer's Guide: Factors to Consider When Purchasing a Robot Vacuum

The world of cleaning has been revolutionised with the introduction of robot vacuums. These automated devices have become increasingly popular over the years thanks to their ability to clean homes effortlessly and efficiently. With so many brands and models available in the market, choosing the right robot vacuum isn’t easy, but:

This is where a buyer's guide comes in handy. 

In this article, we will provide you with a guide on the factors to consider when purchasing one, helping you make an informed decision that best suits your needs.

What Tech, Spec and features can you expect to find on the Market in 2023?

Robot vacuums are smart devices, and with the availability of AI, the sky is the limit.

They have become more advanced and versatile over the years, offering various features and functions to suit different needs or preferences.

Here are some of the benefits of using robot vacuums in commercial and industrial settings in 2023/24.

  • They can reduce the need for manual intervention, as some vacuums come with a self-emptying base that can automatically empty the dustbin of the robot.
  • They can help achieve a deeper clean and remove stains and spills, as some vacuums can also mop hard floors, either by attaching a wet cloth or by using a water tank and a vibrating pad.
  • They can prevent the robot from getting stuck or making a mess and improve its navigation and coverage, as some vacuums have advanced sensors and cameras that can detect and avoid obstacles, such as furniture, cords, shoes, and even pet poop.
  • They can give more convenience and flexibility, as some vacuums can connect to a WiFi network and be controlled via an app or a voice assistant, such as Alexa or Google Assistants.
  • They can optimise the robot's performance and efficiency and tailor it to the cleaning goals, as some vacuums can offer different cleaning modes that can adjust their suction power, speed, or direction or focus on a specific area or room.

Reasons for Getting a Robot Vacuum for the Home

Some of the best reasons for buying one for the home are:

  • Convenience - A robot vacuum can clean your floors automatically, saving you time and effort. You can relax or do other things while the robot does the work for you. You can also schedule the robot at different times and days or use voice commands to control it.
  • Efficiency -  A robot vacuum can cover every part of your floor, using sensors and cameras to avoid obstacles and map the room. It can also adjust its suction power and speed according to the type of floor or the level of dirt. Some can even mop your hard floors as well as vacuum.
  • Allergy relief - A robot vacuum can reduce the amount of dust and hair in your home, especially if you have pets.
  • Mobility - A robot vacuum can move under furniture and other hard-to-reach areas where traditional vacuum cleaners cannot reach.
  • Cost-effective - While the upfront price of a robot vacuum, for the most part, is a higher price point than a traditional vacuum cleaner, it can save you money over the long term by reducing the need for professional cleaning services or the cost of replacing carpets or flooring.

The Type of People to Benefit from Household Robot Vacuums

In terms of the type of people who would benefit from one, they are ideal for:

  • Busy professionals who don't have the time or energy to clean their homes regularly.
  • Elderly or disabled individuals who may have difficulty operating traditional vacuum cleaners.
  • Pet owners who want to reduce the amount of pet hair and dander in their homes.
  • Anyone who wants a more efficient and hassle-free way of cleaning their floors.

A robot vacuum can provide a convenient and efficient way of keeping your floors clean and is suitable for a wide range of people and households.

This Buyers Guide is not just for households.

A Closer Look at Both Benefits and Drawbacks in 2023/24

Some of the advantages for commercial and industrial spaces:

  • They can reduce the need for manual intervention, as some vacuums come with a self-emptying base that can automatically empty the dustbin of the robot.
  • They can help achieve a deeper clean and remove stains and spills, as some vacuums can also mop hard floors, either by attaching a wet cloth or by using a water tank and a vibrating pad.
  • They can prevent the robot from getting stuck or making a mess, and improve its navigation and coverage, as some vacuums have advanced sensors and cameras that can detect and avoid obstacles, such as furniture, cords, shoes, and even pet poop.
  • They can give more convenience and flexibility, as some vacuums can connect to WiFi network and be controlled via an app or a voice assistant, such as Alexa or Google Assistant.

Robot vacuums also have some limitations in commercial and industrial settings in 2024, such as:

  • They may not be as powerful as the classic industrial vacuums and may not be able to handle large amounts of dirt, debris, or liquids.
  • They may not be able to clean all types of surfaces, such as carpets, stairs, or walls, and may require human assistance or supervision to move them from one place to another.
  • They may face technical issues, such as battery depletion, software glitches, or hardware malfunctions, and may require regular maintenance and updates.
  • They may pose security and privacy risks, as they may collect and store data from the environment, such as images, sounds, or locations. They may be vulnerable to hacking or unauthorised.
  • They may encounter ethical and social dilemmas, such as the impact on human employment, the responsibility for accidents or damages, or the acceptance and trust of the customers and workers. 

So, for a home, there’s not much downside, but there are still some challenges ahead in the industrial realm.


Robot vacuums have a lot of potential and advantages for home cleaning and commercial and industrial settings in 2024. They are now experienced machines for cleaning homes, and it's just a case of picking a price point. However, with many technologies, you also have some drawbacks and challenges that need to be addressed and resolved. Robot vacuums can complement, but not replace, human cleaners as of 2023/4, but there’s plenty of room to work together to achieve a better and cleaner place. Let's see if 2024 brings a quantum leap with AI, and they can replace humans - WHO KNOWS!

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